Do you want help others? Then become a SKILLED HELPER
The Skilled Helper Model – Articulated by Gerard Egan, in his book: “THE SKILLED HELPER” First published in the 1970’s; now in its 11th edition.
I was able to complete a short course on “The Skilled Helper Model” (SHM) produced by the Achology Organization (UK), It featured Gerard Egan Himself, discussing with Achology Founder Kain Ramsey, The structure and principles of The Skilled Helper Model (SHM).

In this article, I want to share with you some brief insights into the Skilled Helper Model (SHM). What the (SHM) does is, it provides a generic widely applicable, almost universal structure to guide all your coaching efforts. I WANT TO REITERATE, … ALL! (including business organizations). It doesn’t matter the context. You may be Life Coaching a friend, co-worker, acquaintance, or fellow Christian through a personal crisis. It is THAT elegant, effective, and useful. It is also simple, quick to learn, and with a good deal of resolve and discipline, simple to apply. (I didn’t say “easy”, I said: SIMPLE.

You could be Coaching employees on improving their performance, or coaching an executive on how better to solve problems or make decisions. It doesn’t matter. THE SKILLED HELPER MODEL (SHM) applies.

What you will be studying, in these segments of SageCraft, is almost entirely what you would be getting if you attended one of my live training classes. The slides/images are in the order that they would be presented in my live trainings. From here, let’s assume that you’ve laid some groundwork as far as developing rapport, set some boundaries for the Life Coaching sessions, and determined some of the reasons why the Client may benefit from your Life Coaching interaction.
“The Skilled Helper Model allows the Life Coach to MAP OUT the Life Coaching process so you are not just “Coaching and wishing” the Client would change or “helping and hoping” the Client will receive benefit from you Coaching efforts.” -Rich Dallas-Achology Certified Life Coach
STAGE/PHASE 1 – To assist in learning, we find here that (SHM) is divided into three distinct stages. The model focuses on the Past, the Present, and the Future. As a Life Coach, your questions should be focused first on the past. You don’t need to go into the Client’s complete “PSYCHO-HISTORY”. (Freudian Mommy or Daddy issues, toilet training, etc) All you need is to gain enough past background to understand how the Client got to where they are now. Now, let’s look and the Skilled Helper 3 stage process.
In the entire 3-stage process, you will focus on what’s bothering them, what they need to do, change, or do more of; what they need to STOP doing or do LESS of, to get where they want to go. However, In STAGE 1-CURRENT PICTURE Your questions should revolve around:

IN STAGE/PHASE 2 THE PREFERRED PICTURE-Questions should revolve around:
“What do I need/want instead?”:

STAGE/PHASE 3 THE WAY FORWARD-Questions should revolve around:
How do I get this?:

STAGE 3 – How do I get this? OR How do I make it happen?
The distinguishing feature of SageCraft CHRISTIAN Life Coaching is two important questions that should be asked in STAGE/PHASE 2:

The following diagram illustrates the Cycle in STAGE/PHASE 2. It is borrowed from Nouthetic Counseling (Jay Adams); a form of Biblical Counseling. (A Wikipedia Article below describe Nouthetic COunseling in a little more detail) This graphic describes what the SageCraft Christian Life Coach works with: