SageCraft Life Coaching Novice course -The Basic 100



How does SageCraft Christian Life Coaching work to produce change? As a SageCraft practitioner, you are a Minister and a DISCIPLE MAKER. You fill the role of a “Spiritual Director”. Relying on God’s Word and the power of the indwelling Spirit of God (in both YOU and your Client) You can be instrumental in facilitating Change, Learning, Growth, and Achievement in your Life Coaching Clients. You can do it all with the Word of God, and some simple well-developed skills of conversation.


A model, borrowed from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, can help illustrate how God’s Word will influence every stage of your thinking processes. It shows the basic flow of thought and the accompanying emotional consequences. “A“, in the model below, begins with your perception and assessment of an activating event. (1st Something occurs, and then “B” you form a belief, and an assessment of that event/adversity, based on your beliefs.)

1. (Above) Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (from Humanistic Psychology) is a “Closed-Loop System”. It is limited to the A-B-C-D-E flow of this process

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ opens up a “Point in the Heart” (a Spiritual Perception) that begins to expand from the moment you open up your heart and invite Him to come in.

>Biblical Qualifications< for a SageCraft Christian Life Coach

2. Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom … and positive transformation. Trusting the Lord OPENS the Closed-Loop (a Spiritual Perception) and allows the Holy Spirit to have an influence

Philippians 2:13 “for it is God who works in you to will and to act to fulfill his good purpose.”. This verse is cause to rejoice! This verse tells us that from the moment we embrace the Gospel; from the second we repent and ask God to forgive us; from the exact time we ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come into our heart, forgive our sins and save our soul, the Holy Spirit resides in us and gives us NEW LIFE. He then begins the process of transforming us into the image of God’s Son. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!

3. Faith in the Risen Savior has a TRANSFORMATIVE effect on your beliefs. It opens a “Point in the heart” that grows and expands. This transformation trickles down through ALL the rest of your thinking.
4. In every stage of this process, YOUR THINKING, and your Life Coaching Client’s, are influenced by God’s Word. You begin to view the events of life more clearly, and more in agreement with the Truth of God’s Word.

Ultimately, your perception and assessment of “A” (the activating events) will be transformed. You (and your Client) will begin to view the events, or circumstances, from a more Godly, Biblical perspective.

5. Your role, as a SageCraft Christian Life Coaching Practitioner, can be a major conduit for Change and Transformation, at every stage, by Ministering God’s Word, and Wisdom, to your Life Coaching Clients.

AN added benefit, to YOU, as a SageCraft Practitioner, is that you can witness for yourself the transforming power of God’s work, in the hearts and lives of those you minister to. You will also have the satisfaction of a “Job Well Done” when you see the changes with your own eyes.