This Pyramid is the CORE framework of the SageCraft Life Coaching approach.

“CHANGE AND GROWTH”. Then, you begin, at the BASE, (Level 1.) building the Biblical Foundations of the Life Coaching Function
The SageCraft Pyramid is the very heart, the core structure of the SageCraft approach to Life Coaching. This diagram shows you how each Skill Set fits into the overall approach to Christian Life Coaching. When I first planned to teach this Course in an in-person, attendance-based format. I began with a Blank 6-level pyramid graphic organizer, to allow my student Life-Coaches the opportunity to focus on each level; one at a time. Developing these skills is a lifelong commitment and a personal Ministry for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
0. Change and Growth- This is the CAPSTONE!; the zeroed-in target; The whole purpose of the Life Coaching function. It’s Top-Level. It is that of Change and Growth. This level is actually the first level to be discussed. This level is the GOAL of all your Life Coaching efforts. It is what your client is aiming toward.

- (Bottom)>The Biblical Foundations< of SageCraft Christian Life Coaching. There are Biblical reasons for Life Coaching. There are qualifications that you, the Life Coach, must meet.
- Practical Ethical Boundaries-Ground rules need to be established to begin the Life Coaching relationship. The Ethical framework (including “boundaries” of the interactions) between the Life Coach and all parties, must be implemented and adhered to. Life Coaching is a powerful relationship. It can both help and harm. There are Traps and Pitfalls. A lot can be misconstrued, or go wrong if an ethical code is not adhered to. This is done to ensure the process is both safe and effective. Life Coaching as a Pastoral/Ministerial function.
- Your Personal “Way of Being”– with your Life Coaching Clients-This level determines the attitude and the “Spirit” with which you approach the Life Coaching function. There are certain “Core Conditions” which must be in place, for the Life Coaching process to be EFFECTIVE. The attitude with which you approach the Client tells the client a lot before you ever open your mouth to speak.
- The Overall Life Coaching Framework-The framework covers the “Skilled Helper Model” (Girard Egan) a. The Beginning-Where the client is now, b. The Middle-How they got there, and what would alter or improve. …and c. The End-what tasks they need to perform, to begin moving toward those changes/improvements.
- Life Coaching Skill-Sets-This is where “The Magic Happens”, so to speak. The Main cluster of techniques used to help clients facilitates Self Examination, Change, Growth, and Achievement. These “Sets of Skills” assist you, as a Life Coach, in drawing out Client difficulties, reframing their struggles, probing for alternative viewpoints, and new choices they might try. They can be described as strategies, worksheets, processes, frameworks, or “Tips & Trix”. SageCraft has over 100 basic “Tools” in the toolbox that you can use to help Clients toward the ultimate goal at the top of the pyramid. That is, to Facilitate Change and Growth.
Compare this model with “The Core Competencies” model, of one of the major international organizations, that sets standards for the rapidly growing Profession of Coaching:
Further, Compare the SageCraft Pyramid with the framework for “Motivational Interviewing” (a Change Methodology helpful in treating addictions)